Why sign up with Fountain Energy?



We’ve been here since the building blue print, helping with energy efficient design features. We know your building inside and out and can provide you a better solution.
What is an embedded network?
Embedded networks can supply a range of utilities
including electricity, gas, hot water and air
Embedded networks better enable the inclusion of
energy efficiency technologies and renewable energy
generation within your building.
This helps to make the energy supply within your
building more affordable.

How do embedded networks benefit you?
Fountain Energy sets its electricity tariffs twice yearly to match or be lower than the average of the lowest generally available electricity offers from the 3 largest electricity retailers in your area.
This ensures your Fountain Energy’s electricity tariffs remain affordable.
Fountain Energy uses solar PV electricity generated onsite in addition to grid electricity. In these ways,
Fountain Energy is contributing to a greener more sustainable future for our community
Embedded networks commonly include the electrical wiring, electricity meters, solar PV systems, gas
pipework, hot water pipework, hot water plant and hot water meters in your building.