< Customer Information & Help Centre - Fountain Energy
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Credit Policy

Fountain Energy’s Credit Policy sets out:
  • the types of personal information that Fountain Energy may collect, hold, use and disclose that relate to a customer’s (your) credit eligibility (credit information)
  • the way in which Fountain Energy collects, holds, uses or discloses credit information
  • the purposes for which Fountain Energy collects credit information
  • the other entities and businesses with whom Fountain Energy may share or exchange your credit information
  • your right to request a correction of your credit information if it is considered inaccurate
  • the process that the customer (you) should follow if you are unsatisfied with the way in which

Fountain Energy has dealt with your credit information the process for updating Fountain Energy’s Credit Policy from time-to-time.

The Credit Policy should be read in conjunction with a copy of Fountain Energy’s:
  • Statement of Notifiable Matters which can be found here
  • Privacy Policy which can be found here 
  • Complaints Policy which can be found here
A full copy of Fountain Energy’s Credit Policy can be found here: