< Customer Information & Help Centre - Fountain Energy
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Frequently Asked Questions

Life Support

Someone needs life support at my premises, what should I do
If you or a person at your premises requires life support it is very important that you let us know. Please contact us using the details below. We will then send you information and a medical confirmation form. 
What is a Medical Confirmation Form?
A medical confirmation form is a form that is used to confirm information we require to register a premise as needing life support equipment. By completing this form and sending it back to us, we will have the information we require. If you fail to respond to this request, we may deregister the premises and the additional protections against disconnection will cease to apply. You have no less than 51 business days to reply to our request for a medical confirmation form. You are entitled to additional time and if you require additional time to respond, please contact us. 
Can electricity still be disconnected if my premises are registered as needing life support?
Yes, however where the disconnection is planned, we or your distributor will give you notice in accordance with the Rules. Your electricity supply may also be disconnected in an emergency or where there is a fault in the electricity network. You will not have any prior notice of such disconnections. If you would like further assistance in planning for electricity supply interruptions please contact us. 
What should we do if our electricity is disconnected and we need life support?
Firstly, if there is a risk of injury or death you should call 000. If your electricity is disconnected without notice you can also contact your distributor- their contact details will be provided by us. 
What are our obligations in relation to life support?
You should ensure that we are kept up to date on the need for life support at your premises. You should contact us if there is no longer a need for life support at the premises or if you are planning to move. 
What is life support equipment?
Life support equipment means the following:
  • an oxygen concentrator;
  • an intermittent peritoneal dialysis machine;
  • a kidney dialysis machine;
  • a chronic positive airways pressure respirator;
  • crigler najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment;
  • a ventilator for life support; and
  • in relation to a particular customer—any other equipment that a registered medical practitioner certifies is required for a person residing at the customer’s premises for life support.