< Customer Information & Help Centre - Fountain Energy
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Frequently Asked Questions

About Embedded Networks

What is an Embedded Network?
An Embedded Network is a private electricity network that is restricted to a building, lot, or development.  

Each customer in the Embedded Network has a separate electricity meter, but there is usually only one meter - called a ‘parent or gate meter’ - which is connected directly to the wider distribution network. In an embedded network, many of the rules and regulations that apply to the ‘wires and poles’ of the wider distribution network do not apply. 

We have established an Embedded Network as, in our view, it can provide overall financial benefits both to us and to you. By establishing an Embedded Network we are able to purchase power as a collective and pass savings onto you. 

We will endeavour to provide you with information in plain English and without jargon. If you are unclear about anything in this letter, or if you have any questions on the contents of this letter please contact us.
What are my rights as an embedded network customer?
Even though we have established an Embedded Network, you still have the right to seek out  your own Retailer at any time (sometimes this right is known as ‘Power of Choice’). They may choose to make you an ‘energy only’ offer. However, there is no guarantee that another electricity retailer will be willing to offer you electricity supply. We note that, currently, it may be difficult to find an electricity retailer who is willing to supply a customer within an Embedded Network.
Your right to seek your own retailer is a legal right that we will respect at all times.
For more information on how to access retailers if you live in an embedded network, please visit the weblink below which will take you to the Australian Energy Regulator’s website:
What is an Energy Only offer?
An energy only offer means that you are only paying for energy consumption. This may be something that another electricity retailer (i.e. other than Fountain Energy) is able to provide you. 
If you take up an energy only offer, you will still need to pay Fountain Energy for network charges as Fountain Energy will still need to pay for use of the wider distribution network, even if you are receiving energy from another retailer. 

Receiving an energy only offer from another retailer ensures that you will only pay once for network charges instead of paying both Fountain Energy and another retailer for that use. 
How will you ensure there are no duplication of network charges?
Yet another right you have is that we ensure that there is no duplication (i.e. double charging) of network charges. Network charges are the fixed amounts you are charged to reimburse Fountain Energy for the network charges it pays and is separate from the amount you pay for the amount of energy you use.  This means that you will not be billed for network charges by us as well as by another retailer.

In addition, we must not charge you a connection charge if you choose to enter into an energy supply contract with another retailer. If you are double charged network charges, we are obligated to remedy any duplication.